Make Tour Calendar Reusable Block
1 – Go to dashboard/reusable blocks and click “add new.”
2 – Give it a title that starts with the location of the tour and then the rest of the description. Example: Arizona Cultural
3 – Click the blocks + button and pick Custom HTML.
4 – Cut and paste this code into the Custom HTML field:
[pods name="tour" slug="gay-travel-south-africa-cape-town-safari-tour"]
<div class="calbox">
<div class="caltitle">{@post_title}</div>
<div class="caldates">{@tour_dates}
<div class="caldeposit">Deposit Price: ${@deposit_price}</div>
<div class="calphy">Physical Challenge {@tour_physical_level}<img src="{@tour_physical_level}.jpg" alt="physical activity level"></div>
<div class="calbutt"><a href="tour/{@slug}">VIEW TOUR</a></div>
<div class="calimg">{@post_thumbnail.medium}</div>
<div class="caltease">{@tour_teaser}</div>
<div class="cal-links">[if internal_link_blog_or_page]
<div class="calqrblog">[su_qrcode data="{@internal_link_blog_or_page}" size="50" align="left" color="#000000" background="blue" link="{@internal_link_blog_or_page}"]</div>
<div class="tourlinkblog"><a href="{@internal_link_blog_or_page}">{@link_blog_text}</a></div>
[/if] [if internal_link_tour]
<div class="tourlinktour"><a href="{@internal_link_tour}">{@tour_link_text}</a></div>
<div class="calqrtour">[su_qrcode data="{@internal_link_tour}" size="50" align="left" color="#000000" background="#ffffff" link="{@internal_link_tour}"]</div>
5 – Get the slug of the new tour.
For instance of the url is:
then copy just “gay-mongolia-cultural-vistas-tour”
6 – Paste that url over the one in the code to replace it. It’s the first line.
For instance:
Line one of code:
would be replaced with
Save the reusable block.
Reorder the new reusable block alphabetically.